Swap Fabric Pattern

Product images needed to show new fabric patterns and the client hoped to avoid producing a new photo shoot.

HALO Bassinest - Original Pattern HALO Bassinest - Swapped Pattern

The client supplied pattern swatches. From the supplied swatches, I built a few Smart Object layers (adding some fabric texture as I went) which were Warped and Liquified to wrap the texture around the features of the product. With the patterns realistically wrapped around the product, the final task was painting in highlighting and shading to complete the illusion.

Once I setup the first swap, I was able to duplicate the PSD file and swap the contents of the Smart Objects with the next pattern, which automatically picked up the Warping, Liquifying and shading. This saved hours of editing time, allowing me to meet the client’s deadline while saving them a lot of money versus orchestrating a photo shoot to produce these assets.